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Wildlife Rescue & Rehab

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"All good things are wild and free.”
- Henry David Thoreau


I operate as a state licensed wildlife rehabilitator specializing in whitetail deer. I do accept other small mammals such as opossums, squirrels, raccoons, etc  I do not work with birds, reptiles, or amphibians- however I am glad to assist in getting them to a rehabber who does!


What does it mean to be licensed?

It is extremely important that you always contact a licensed rehabilitator. Many people will speak up to take in cute babies, do not be afraid to ask for proof of licensing as this is easily provided by any legitimate person. Licensing is important because it means the person and facility pass regular inspections. A licensed individual is also required to have a veterinarian statement on file, so you know they have a vet willing to work with wildlife.  


My uncle's granpda's best friend Charlie has a pet raccoon!

Many people have a story of growing up with a pet deer or raccoon. Many still do. Sometimes this goes on without any incident, but the fact is that is is a dangerous situation. Wild animals do not become domesticated just because you raised them inside from babies, they still have wild instincts and needs that are often unmet when kept as pets. When they outgrow the cute phase and start to become a problem, many people dump them back out into the woods. Then these animals, now acclimated to humans, dogs, cars etc can easily become troublemakers and get themselves hurt or killed. Just as likely, getting caught keeping wildlife without permits can land you a hefty fine and a mark on your record. And the animal is likely to be euthanized as it would be deemed unfit for release.  

It is possible to obtain permits to keep certain species as pets, but that's not what we do nor what we advocate for. Occasionally we end up with special cases such as an amputee, blindness etc and depending on the condition and temperament, these animals may be placed in educational facilities or wildlife sanctuaries. Our primary end goal however is to return as many as possible back to their natural habitat, so they can live wildly as intended. 

I found injured or orphaned wildlife, what do I do?
If you can - SAFELY - contain the animal in a crate, box, tote etc, ensure good airflow and that it does not overheat, if possible cover it with a towel or blanket. Think cool, dark, quiet. Call a licensed rehabber ASAP!

You may offer room temperature water but please do not feed, or force feed, any animal. This is especially dangerous for babies as they are unable to digest food if their body temperature is low. Cold babies obviously need to be kept warmer, not cooler, but still need dark and quiet. Please refrain from handling more than needed and do not let children play with any distressed wildlife. Babies such as rabbits and fawns can actually die from a condition known as capture myopathy, so the less stress and handling the better. 

If you cannot safely contain the animal or are unsure about touching it, if possible stay and wait for a rehabber or warden to assist. If you can not stay please give us the best directions to the location that you can. Remember to never put yourself in danger trying to contain an animal, if in doubt call for help! 

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Rehabilitator List
List of Game Wardens for Oklahoma

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