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Goat Milk

Per state law all milk purchases must be picked up on

the farm, there are no exceptions.


If you are not an established regular customer then

please inquire for availability

Why goats milk?
Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk due to

smaller fat globules. Many people who are unable to drink other milks are able to enjoy goats milk. Goat milk is also naturally homogenized, which is why you see no thick cream line such as with raw cow milk.


It should not have an unpleasant flavor, my girls give delicious milk and I make every effort to ensure it stays that way. Milk is strained and chilled quickly and then refrigerated until pickup. It is best within seven days.

Raw vs. Pasteurized

Pasteurization requires heating the milk up to at least 161 degrees! This kills beneficial bacteria and enzymes and destroys nutrients in the milk that our bodies need. I do not pasteurize milk... that defeats the purpose of being able to get fresh milk. Raw milk has superior nutrition and greater bioavailable nutrients than pasteurized milk. Raw milk also has a variety of enzymes and probiotics to benefit the immune system and gut! 

    Of course there are risks- but there is risk in everything. Please do your own research on raw milk, everyone should make an informed decision. 

The following is an excerpt from an OSU Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service report referencing the qualities of goat milk versus cow milk.





“Milk Fat
The high proportion of butterfat gives goat milk a greater energy value per unit volume than cow’s milk. Fat is a concentrated source of energy and in general, one unit of fat contains 2.5 times more energy than one unit of carbohydrate.

The lactose content of goat’s milk is slightly lower than cow’s milk. Lactose is a milk sugar and is the carbohydrate nutrient in milk. Since some people have difficulty digesting the lactose in milk, goat milk is less likely to cause this problem than cow’s milk. For yogurt making, the low lactose of goat milk gives a less acidic and more palatable product than cow’s milk with no need for fruit or flavoring.


There is no important difference in cow’s milk and goat’s milk protein composition. But the physical characteristics of the curd that these proteins formed under the action of rennin (the principal enzyme secreted by the newborn stomach) is significant. Generally, the softer the curd, the more easily it is digested. The curd of cow’s milk is harder than the curd of goat’s milk. Size also has something to do with its digestibility—and the curd of cow’s milk is large and dissolves more slowly. The finer curd of goat’s milk dissolves more rapidly. This means that for some people with digestive difficulties, goat’s milk may be more easily digested.

Goat’s milk generally contains more calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, and potassium than cow’s milk or human milk. The amount of phosphorus in goat’s milk helps people living on a diet of root plants, fruits, and green vegetables.It also contributes to the higher buffering capacity of goat milk, which makes it valuable in treating stomach ulcers. The high chloride content may have some bearing on its laxative properties.

For the adult milk-drinkers, goat’s milk provides approximately twice the Vitamin A obtained from cow’s milk. Vitamin B is concerned with nervous control. The human need of this vitamin is thought to increase with the intake of sugar and other carbohydrates; there is some evidence also that it plays a part in protein digestion and metabolism. Goat’s milk is 50 percent richer in Vitamin B than cow’s milk and four times as rich as human milk. Goat’s milk is very high in riboflavin (Vitamin B2), which affects growth. Vitamin C and D are not present sufficiently in either cow’s milk or goat’s milk, and any child that is bottle-fed will need supplements.”

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